Pradhan | July 18, 2015
The Preamble of the preliminary draft Constitution of Nepal glorifies
armed struggle. The Preamble apparently refers to the 10-year armed struggle
from 1996 to 2006 between the government forces and the Maoist rebels. That
armed struggle resulted in the killing of 15,000 Nepalis, many of them civilian
non-combatants. Many citizens disappeared, are still unaccounted for, and are
believed to be dead. There are cases of victims who were burned or buried alive
and many were hacked to death. Victims’ surviving families are still living
a life haunted by horror and terror. They are still grappling with the loss
and trying to find some sense in the horrid outcome that some call collateral
damage of the armed struggle.
And the Preamble of the draft Constitution unabashedly calls
that horror and terror-filled armed struggle and in many cases barbaric killing
and bloodletting a part of Nepal’s glorious history. Really? Glorious for whom?
For the victims? For their families? The perpetrators should face the widows
and mothers and children of the teachers, the farmers, the innocent citizens
who were burned or buried alive, and ask them if they thought the armed
struggle was glorious.
The glorification of armed struggle and the bloodletting is senseless
and insensitive. We Nepalis accept it as part of our history, yes. But there is
no need to glorify it. Those who are smitten with violence could wake up at
night and gloat over it, if they wish. But, they should let the rest move
forward, not drag them to the past. History is an important lesson. But history
is not the pathway to the future; you must be courageous enough to chart the
future course on the ideals on which to found your future.
If you tell me if armed struggle is not mentioned in the
Constitution, then the Constitution is not worth the paper it is written on, I
have an answer for you: You want to glorify the armed struggle and the killing
and spilling of the blood? Go ahead and write a book to do that. Fill every single
page with gory details. Go right ahead and gloat over the bloodletting, puff-up your
But leave the Constitution alone, and with it let the rest
of the people move ahead. Do not sully the Constitution with glorification of
violence. Violence was part of the history, but must not be the foundation of
the country’s future. The Constitution is about the country’s future and its
preamble is about the founding principles for that future. The preamble of a
Constitution is to declare the principles and values we resolve to found the country on. It is not
a place to gloat over and glorify killing.
Learn from other countries. America’s founding fathers wrote
their Constitution in 1789, within five years after the end of the American
Revolutionary War against Britain in 1783 for America’s independence. More than
25,000 Americans lost their lives and about as many Americans were seriously
wounded in that war, which had gone on for eight years from 1775 to 1783.
You know what the founding fathers did? They had the good
heart, good wisdom, and, above all, good vision to not dwell on the past, not
to harp about the grievances against Britain or military agents of the colonial
rulers, not to expect anything from the colonial masters who ruled them for all
their history. The founding fathers mentioned nothing in the Constitution, not one single word,
about the war that brought them independence. They left all that for history books. Why did America’s founding fathers
not glorify the war in the Constitution, that set them free from Britain? Why do you think? If you are too entrenched in the idea of glorifying wars, I doubt
you’ll ever know; unless you’re told.
So, listen up: Because a Constitution is not about the past,
it is about the future and it is about the values and ideals on which to found
the new nation.
Instead of glorifying war and armed struggle that ended
merely five years before, they chose to not give any space to the war but chose,
instead, to focus on insuring domestic tranquility as a founding principle of
They did not mention war not because they forgot it; they did it
because they wanted to found the country on the ideal of peace.
Instead of dwelling on the historical injustices, they chose
to found the country on the ideals of establishing justice and general welfare.
Instead of expressing grievances of the colonial rule
that denied true representation of the Americans in the colonial government, they chose to resolve to secure the
blessings of liberty for themselves and for posterity.
And they, the people of the United States, wrote the
Constitution for themselves, they charted their own destiny. The rich Americans
didn’t write it for the poor, nor the powerful for the oppressed, not the
elites for the marginalized, nor men for women. No such distinction was needed to write the Constitution; they were all equal. Unlike Nepal’s draft
Constitution which gives every hint that it is written by elites and the powerful to bestow on
the poor, the oppressed, the marginalized, and, to borrow the words from the draft Constitution, the "helpless single women", America’s Constitution was written by the people for the people, each equal to every other, of
the United States of America.
No wonder they were able to write a preamble that, with
merely 52 words, is so succinct yet so vast, so accommodating, so visionary, so enduring, so forward-looking, and so full of hope for the future to create a more perfect Union that they didn’t have to split the hairs nor write with nuances,
nor meaningless details.
With great brevity, instead of dwelling on the historical
grievances, recounting all the historical wrongs, they chose to look forward
and found the country on the ideals of liberty, justice and peace.
A Constitution is not a history book. It’s the soul of the
future, yes, the future, of a new
nation. If we want a new Nepal, we have to look to the future and lay our Constitutional
foundation for that future with great courage and great vision. If we only want
to dwell on the past, we might as well simply be writing history books.
This task of writing Constitution is not for those with
small heart, smaller mind, and short vision. This is only for those with great
courage, great mind and great vision.